MY New Year

I went to see my Endocrinologist (my doctor for my Type 1 diabetes) and my dietician last week. Neither of them were happy. Either not happy with me, or not happy with the way things have been going lately. There will be a lot of changes this coming year. Some changes are things that I should have been doing already but maybe had slacked off on for a while *cough* years *cough*. Some things are new, things that I knew in my heart of hearts but needed that official ‘doctor’s advice’ before really settling into my brain. I don’t make new years resolutions. These are changes that need to be made regardless of the time of year. It just so happened that I saw my doctors last week. It’s taken me this long (hence the dead blog space) to really wrap my head around everything. I don’t think I have it completely wrapped…but I am going to get there lol

As per my doctor, my blood sugar (A1C for those of you who actually speak diabetes) was elevated. I have never been one to have a good A1C. In my entire 21 years of being a type 1 diabetic I have only ever had 1 good A1C. But that is going to change (or so says my doctor). I have been instructed to test my blood sugars MORE (I usually fail miserably at this), get my blood work done every month and see a special diabetic nurse every 4-6 weeks. The thing that will be toughest for me will be the testing my blood sugar. I need to test 6+ times a day. Currently, I am lucky if I get in 2 tests a day and this is where I fail at being a diabetic lol. I am going to need to test my blood sugar upon waking up, 30 minutes before and 2 hours after every meal/snack, before bed, in the middle of the night, and any other time I am fasting (lol never) or just feel like it.  I am having a panic attack just writing this, but I NEED to do this. I NEED to wrap my head around it NOW because if I don’t, there is a good chance I will die a lot SOONER than later. There are so many health complications that come along with high blood sugars. They are scarey; I know, I have seen them first hand in other people. Also, once my blood sugars are more under control I will feel so much better and I honestly cannot wait for that. I have felt like shit for years but I have felt even worse in the past few months. This will help me immensely on my journey to a healthy me.

As for the meeting with my dietician and my journey to a FIT me…For a year I have followed the advice of my doctor and have been sticking to a 1200-1300 calorie meal plan in an attempt to lose weight. During this time I have lost an insignificant amount of weight and have stopped loosing altogether over the past 6 months. I couldn’t figure out why? I have been working out and eating as my doctor advised for a year. An entire year and I have lost a total of about 5 pounds compared to my weight at the same time last year. Luckily I went to see my dietician a few days later and she gave me some great news….I have not been eating enough. Maybe that’s not the great news. The great news would be the fact that I get to eat more food! WOOHOO She has set me up with a new meal plan of 1400 calories (more on workout days). The reason, she said, that I have not seen the weight loss that I wanted is 1) because as a type 1 diabetic it is very difficult to lose weight in general and 2) because my metabolism doesn’t have enough calories to work correctly.

I know not to expect a weight loss like most ‘normal’ people experience but I am HOPING *PRAYING* that I will see SOMETHING! Something that is going to at least push me a little closer to my smaller goals that I have set and eventually (in a few years) towards my larger goals.

I am not giving up. This is me jumping over a crack in the sidewalk of my journey. Wish me luck! I am definitely going to need it J

5 thoughts on “MY New Year

  1. I am so happy for you (and not just because you get to eat more, but hey, that’s a good thing too!). It sounds like you have a solid plan to get healthy and I am rooting for your success! I also don’t lose weight like a “normal” person so we can struggle and succeed together 🙂

    How come you don’t like to check your blood sugar? You sound VERY against it, so now I am curious, lol.


    • Thank you! I think I do have a good plan. Its just the staying motivated part that I am having trouble with. Zumba is easy for me to get to. There are people there that will notice if I’m not there…but working out at home may be easier for me to skip lol

      Its not that I am very against testing my blood sugar…I am a diabetic after all. But how would you like to stick a needle into your finger 6+ times a day? You wouldnt lol As a diabetic for over 20 years, you just get tired. Tired of being a diabetic and tired of having to do all of this extra crap that noone else has to do. But I need to get over it lol


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